Our Students

Race/Ethnicity of BECNO students: 94% Black or African American; 5% Latinx; 2% White; 4% Native American or Alaska Native; 1% Native Hawaiian

Gender of BECNO Students: 69% Female, 31% Male

83% of students starting BECNO’s full day program graduated high school with an Associates Degree and an average of 68 credits (Class of 2024).

Students in BECNO’s half day program earned an average of 23 college credits (Class of 2024).

BECNO students access meaningful postsecondary opportunities and resources:

  • 100% of BECNO graduates enrolled in college first-fall after high school (Class of 2023)

See here for list of colleges enrolled in by recent BECNO alumni.


BECNO immerses students in serious undergraduate study. As a satellite campus of Bard College, BECNO is held to Bard’s high standards of academic excellence. BECNO gives bright young people of all academic backgrounds the opportunity to immerse themselves in the conversations, standards, and rigor that define some of the best colleges in the country. 

BECNO alumni frequently report back that their BECNO courses were more demanding than their traditional college courses.


BECNO students are uniquely well prepared to thrive in demanding, four-year colleges: they know what to expect, they know how to ask more of themselves, and they know how to succeed. Since 2011, BECNO’s alumni have far outpaced the national average of college persistence.

Student Resources

Students can use Canvas to reference their syllabi, submit assignments, and access different resources. Students can use Jupiter to check their grades and communicate with faculty, staff, and administrators. Students can book office hours with instructors and administrators using Zoho (links to each faculty/staff member included in their bio).

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