Dr. Donna Johnson

Donna M. Johnson, EdD. is an educator with a love for learning and a curiosity about life that infects her students. As a learner – centered instructor, Johnson puts her students at the center of their own learning and supports them though a robust learning community. Johnson has spent considerable time working in secondary education as Humanities, English Language Arts and ESL teachers and as school administrators. Her career in higher education includes Associate Professorships in teacher education and educational leadership, adjunct positions in English, ESL and adult education, and roles as professional coach and program administrators. Johnson also has considerable experience working in college access. She is a researcher and author who specializes in girls, Black girls, gender and cultural studies and in teacher education and educational reform. She is also a feminist (girls) activist and community organizer who works with youth to help develop their capacities to lead meaningful community change though engaging in participatory action research.

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