While we are eager to hear from interested young people throughout the year, the formal application process begins in the spring semester (exact dates differ by high school) and admissions decisions are finalized by the beginning of May. Below is a sample admissions timeline for both BECNO programs. Due to scheduling and high school credit requirements, students’ program eligibility depends on their high school. For more information on current program partnerships, click here.
Degree-Granting Program
- Student & Family Information Session (Late January)
- Bard Early College Applications Open (Early/Mid-February)
All interested students will submit a Bard Early College application to formally enter the admissions process. Students should closely review their applications when they receive them to ensure they are clear on all application requirements, including writing samples and a parent/guardian signature.
- Academic Auditions (Early/Mid-March)
Prospective students will participate in a 45-60 minute “mock class” led by a Bard Early College faculty member. The class will be based on a set of BECNO admissions readings distributed to students when they submit their application.
- Admissions Letters (Mid-April)
Every prospective student who participates in each step of the admissions process will receive an admissions letter indicating our admissions decision and potential next steps.
- Student & Family Acceptance Event (May)
Traditional Program
- Student Information Session (February/March)
Rising 11th and 12th grade students are nominated by their high school to participate in a BECNO information session. At the end of this session, students will select whether or not they would like to apply to BECNO for the following school year.
- Application Submission (February/March)
Applications are typically due within a week of students’ information session. In the past, the Traditional Program Application has included demographic information, a parent/guardian signature, a 250-500 word personal statement as well as a reading and short answer reading response.
- Academic Auditions (March)
Prospective students who submit an application will participate in a 45-60 minute “mock class” led by a Bard Early College faculty member. The class will be based on the reading included in the Traditional Program application.
- Admissions Letters (April)
Every prospective student who participates in each step of the admissions process will receive an admissions letter indicating our admissions decision and potential next steps.
- Student & Family Acceptance Event (May)