Academic Forms & Policies


At Bard Early College New Orleans, attending class faithfully is a key indicator of academic success. It is the personal responsibility of students to contact the appropriate faculty or staff in the event of an absence and follow up with make-up work to faculty and excuse notes to the BECNO office upon their return. Students are allotted 3 excused absences plus 2 unexcused absences per course. After the 2 unexcused absence there will be a deduction of 5% of the overall grade per each additional unexcused absence. If this number is exceeded, students and parents/guardians must attend a mandatory conference with the Dean of Students.


As a selective program for exceptional students, BECNO holds high standards for the quality of student work. Students enrolled in BECNO are students of a prestigious private college and are expected to produce work of this quality (with the aid of the student support team when necessary). The letter grades (and the grade point equivalents) that students can receive on their college transcript are defined as follows. (The grades A+, D+, and D– are not used at Bard.)


All work for a course is due by the deadline given out by the Professor. Students unable to meet a particular deadline, for whatever reason, should consult the course syllabus for information about the Professor’s policy on late work and should make every effort to conform to it. If illness or other problems prevent a student from completing all work for a course by the end of the semester, and the Professor is willing to accept late work, the Professor should state in the final narrative what exactly is missing; what the deadline is for submission; and how the student is to submit it.

If a student has an unexcused absence on the day of an exam, quiz, or an assignment due date, consult the course syllabus for the Professor’s policy. It is possible that no credit will be given and/or no makeup assessment will be allowed for the missed work. Any work handed in will be given feedback even if the work is not eligible for credit.

If there is an excused absence on the day of an exam, quiz, or an assignment due date, students must consult with administration (in advance when possible) and faculty on the day that they return to school even if it is not a day that the class typically meets. If those procedures are followed, there will be no academic penalty for an excused absence.


Official transcripts are requested from Bard College, here. Unofficial transcripts can be requested from the school registrar by emailing [email protected].


Bard Early College offers students the opportunity to take a full-time college course load during their high school school-day. Bard Early College seeks students ready to rise to this challenge and offers various forms of support to any who have difficulty once at the school. In order to remain in the early college program, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students may return to high school if they fail one or more classes or if their Bard Early College grades affect their ability to graduate high school on time.


Students may request approval to change their classes during the first week of the semester through the Add/Drop process, as long as the resulting schedule meets the course load requirements, high school requirements, and will enable the completion of A.A. requirements on schedule. The final dates for making such changes each semester are listed on the school calendar.

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